




The knowlidge of, that i am capabal of giving to outhers, from an energy that flows through my hands , to help relieve a sufering , or to give them releaf, or to give them a greater understanding, to life and health has given me a great sense of satisfaction in my life. I never feel helpless if  some one I know needs comfort. Through a form of healing called polerization of the body, wich I will explane a little later, I am able to help them feel relaxed and comfortable. There are many ways to heal, and many technics, from various links from this site you will be able to find many answers to many questions. The body has two poles + and – plus  and minus, male and female, yin and yang, are various terms used when talking about healing, but the greatest energy of all is LOVE, love thy self and love thy nabour, words from the bible, yes, and very true. You don’t have to be reliegious to heal but the energy comes from the SOURCE/GOD, it is in all of us, some are just more aware of it than outhers, and some have a very preacious present, a very strong healing abilaty. I thank you God for giving me this present. Today I had a wonderful experience, I meet a women that I know, that I had treated a few weeks earlyer, she had been having a lot of pains and troubles with kidney stones, when I treated her I had the experience of traveling through some sort of tube at a very high speed, it was all in buitifull colours, I founnd myself crashing into what seemed as rocks,

 I realized today while talking with her that I had actualy broken the stones in her kidneys as I was traveling along this tubing, she told me that she had had no pains since and that she felt much better. That brought great joy to me knowing that I had been able to help her, things like this happen to very often

 ( Polaritets treatment  ) Well as I sayed before the body has a plus and minus pole, sicknes, tierdness, depresions, often come when the body is not in harmony, by polaritets treatment we put back energy to the body and give the energy the proper flow, this is done by starting at the head forming a contact with the other bodys energy and helping in to flow through the body again, after making contact with the energy, you pull the energy from one side of the body to the outher diagnaly from the shoulders to the feet.


Bruce Harris .

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